Dorper Sheep
The Dorper is a South African breed of domestic sheep developed by crossing Dorset Horn and the Blackhead Persian sheep. The breed was created through the efforts to breed a meat sheep suitable to the more arid regions of the country. The Dorper sheep are medium to large sized animals. They are mainly white in coloration with black face, but some animals can also be of black colour. The breed is actually well known for it’s thick, well-muscled carcass and extended period of fertility. They have wool in addition to hair covering their bodies. The Dorper sheep is raised mainly for meat production. Moreso, this breed of sheep are very hardy animals. They are well adapted to a variety of climatic and grazing conditions. They are also well suited to survive in the arid extensive regions of South Africa. The ewes are highly fertile and have very good maternal instinct, combined with high growth rates and hardiness. Ewes (female sheep) typically weigh between 45 and 100 kilograms, and rams (male sheep) between 45 and 160 kilograms